
Field classes for VASCA

Module Contents



Class that defines the basic data structure for field-based analysis. One field is generally the area in the sky covered by a telescope in one observation. A field is generally composed of several visits of the telescope at different times.


Instance of one GALEX field


VASCA implementation of GALEX drift-scan mode observations



vasca.field.FILE_DIR = 'dirname(...)'
vasca.field.ROOT_DIR = None
vasca.field.dimless = None
class vasca.field.BaseField[source]

Bases: vasca.tables.TableCollection

Class that defines the basic data structure for field-based analysis. One field is generally the area in the sky covered by a telescope in one observation. A field is generally composed of several visits of the telescope at different times.

This class contains the main functionality for source detection and drawing. To be inherited by field analysis classes, which can then be tailored to the needs of the observatories supported by the VASCA pipeline.


Many class attributes are stored in astropy.table.Table. To see a description of each of their columns run :meth:


load_sky_map(file_name, img_attr='ref_img')[source]

Load reference image and WCS from passed fits file


File name of image FITS

img_attr: str, optional

Class attribute to store the image in, ‘ref_img’ or ‘vis_img’. Default is ‘ref_img’



Calculates magnitude upper limits on non-detections to the tt_visits table.

float array

Array of upper limits for each visit


Adds detections information into ta_sources_lc for sources listed in self.tt_sources

add_upper_limitsbool, optional

Add upper limits to the tt_sources_lc, for visits with no detection. Upper limits are stored in the flux_err columns for none detections. The default is True.



Remove multiple detections of one source in one visit from tt_detections. Keep only the closest detection.


List of removed detection IDs


Sets the most important field parameters as class attributes.

dd_namesdict, None

List of strings containing the parameter names. If None (default), a set of pre-defined parameters is set.


get_field_par(par_name, table_name)[source]

Returns metadata parameter par_name derived from astropy table data table_name.


Name of the parameter to be read either directly or calculated from table data.


Name of table data. Must be initialized as class attribute.

str, None

None is returned if either par_name or table_name are not available. In this case warnings are issued to logging.


If :attr: ~vasca.field.BaseField.tt_fields has not exactly one row


Get region on the sky of the field.


Region on the sky of the field.


Loads field from a fits file and sets field attributes.

file_namestr, optional

File name. The default is “field_default.fits”.


class vasca.field.GALEXField(obs_id, obs_filter=None, data_path=None, visits_data_path=None)[source]

Bases: vasca.field.BaseField

Instance of one GALEX field


Initializes a new GALEXField instance with skeleton VASCA data structure.


GALEX field ID

obs_filterstr, optional

Selects the GALEX obs_filter for which the corresponding observation data is loaded. Needs to be either from: ‘FUV’ -> 135-175 nm ‘NUV’ -> 175-280 nm (default)

data_pathstr, optional

Path to root location of cloud-synced data associated with the GALEX field. Defaults to a path given by the resource manager.

visits_data_pathstr, optional

Path to a pre-downloaded table holding the complete list of GALEX visits. Defaults to a path given by the resource manager.


Path to root location of cloud-synced data associated with the GALEX field


Path to a pre-downloaded table holding the complete list of GALEX visits


File name prefix following VASCA naming convention: ‘VASCA_<observatory>_<filed_id>_<obs_filter>’

classmethod from_VASCA(obs_id, obs_filter='NUV', fits_path=None, **kwargs)[source]

Constructor to initialize a GALEXField instance from a VASCA-generated FITS file


GALEX field ID

obs_filterstr, optional

Selects the GALEX filter for which the corresponding observation data is loaded. Needs to be either from: ‘FUV’ -> 135-175 nm ‘NUV’ -> 175-280 nm (default)

fits_pathstr, optional

Path to the fits file. Defaults to a path handled by ResourceManager.


All additional keyword arguments are passed to ~GALEXField.__init__()


classmethod from_MAST(obs_id, obs_filter='NUV', refresh=False, load_products='TABLES', write=True, **kwargs)[source]

Constructor to initialize a GALEXField instance either fresh from the MAST archive (refresh=True) or if available from cached raw data (refresh=False).

The procedure uses vasca.resource_manager.ResourceManager to handle file locations.


GALEX field ID

obs_filterstr, optional

Selects the GALEX obs_filter for which the corresponding observation data is loaded. Needs to be either from: ‘FUV’ -> 135-175 nm ‘NUV’ -> 175-280 nm (default)

refreshbool, optional

Selects if data is freshly loaded from MAST (refresh=True) or from cashed data on disc (refresh=False, default).

load_productsstr, optional

Selects if data products shall be loaded: “NONE”, “TABLES” for tables, and reference image, “ALL” for tables and visit images.

write: bool, optional

If load_products is enabled, stores the data as VASCA tables in the cloud for faster loading in the future. Default is True.


All additional keyword arguments are passed to ~GALEXField.__init__()


Returns None if no entry is found

static load(gfield_id, obs_filter='NUV', method='MAST_LOCAL', load_products='TABLES', **field_kwargs)[source]

Loads GALEX field data according to a given method and returns a GALEXField instance.


GALEX field ID

obs_filterstr, optional

Selects the GALEX obs_filter for which the corresponding observation data is loaded. Needs to be either from: ‘FUV’ -> 135-175 nm ‘NUV’ -> 175-280 nm (default)

methodstr, optional

Specification of the load method. Four methods are implemented: MAST_REMOTE: Standard method to query data from MAST archives. This requires an internet connection to the MAST servers. Local data will be overwritten MAST_LOCAL: Dafault. Builds a new GALEXfield instance based on MAST archival data cached on local disc. If no data is found, the fallback is MAST_REMOTE. VASCA: Builds a new GALEXField based on a VASCA-generated field data file. AUTO: Attempts to load field data by using VASCA as method and falls back to MAST_LOCAL if no VASCA file is found on disc.

The default directory where field data availability is checked is defined by the “data_path” attribute of GALEXField and can be passed explicitly via the “field_kwargs”.

load_productsstr, optional

Selects if data products shall be loaded: “NONE”, “TABLES” for tables, and reference image, “ALL” for tables and visit images.


All additional keyword arguments are passed to the load methods ~GALEXField.from_MAST() and ~GALEXField.from_VASCA(), as well as to ~GALEXField.__init__().


If the specified load method is not a string.


If the specified load method is not one of ‘[“mast_remote”, “mast_local”, “vasca”, “auto”]’. String matching is case insensitive.


static get_visit_upper_limits(tt_visits)[source]

Calculates upper limits on non-detections to the tt_visits table following the article of Gezari et al. ApJ 766 (2013) p4

float array

Array of upper limits for each visit

_load_galex_field_info(obs_id, obs_filter, col_names=None, refresh=False)[source]

Loads the archival metadata associated to a given field ID.


GALEX field ID

obs_filterstr, optional

Selects the GALEX filter for which the corresponding observation data is loaded. Needs to be either from: ‘FUV’ -> 135-175 nm ‘NUV’ -> 175-280 nm (default)


Dictionary with keys of MAST column names to load, and values the corresponding VASCA table column names. Default in None.

refreshbool, optional

Selects if data is freshly loaded from MAST (refresh=True) or from cashed data on disc (refresh=False, default).

_load_galex_visits_info(obs_id, obs_filter, col_names=None)[source]

Loads the archival metadata associated to a given visit ID.


GALEX field ID

obs_filterstr, optional

Selects the GALEX filter for which the corresponding observation data is loaded. Needs to be either from: ‘FUV’ -> 135-175 nm ‘NUV’ -> 175-280 nm (default)


Dictionary with keys of MAST column names to load, and values the corresponding VASCA table column names. Default in None.

_load_galex_archive_products(obs_id, obs_filter, col_names=None, dd_products=None, ref_maps_only=False, refresh=False)[source]

Loads the relevant data products from MAST servers and stores them using the ResourceManager.


GALEX field ID.


Selects the GALEX filter for which the corresponding observation data is loaded. Needs to be either from [‘NUV’, ‘FUV’].

col_nameslist, optional

List of columns to store from raw data.

dd_productsdict, optional

Dictionary of listing the data products to be loaded.

ref_maps_onlybool, optional

If True, only the reference/coadd maps are loaded (default). If False, also the visit maps are included.

refreshbool, optional

Set True to refresh the raw data via a MAST query. On default cashed raw data is used.

class vasca.field.GALEXDSField(field_name, data_path=None, visits_data_path=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: vasca.field.BaseField

VASCA implementation of GALEX drift-scan mode observations

The archival data is expected to be downloaded separately.


Initializes a new GALEXDSField instance with skeleton VASCA data structure.


GALEX drift-scan field name

data_pathstr, optional

Path to root location of data associated with the GALEX field. Defaults to a path given by the resource manager.

visits_data_pathstr, optional

Path to a pre-downloaded table holding the complete list of GALEX DS visits. Defaults to a path given by the resource manager.


Path to root location of data associated with the GALEX field


Path to a pre-downloaded table holding the complete list of GALEX DS visits


File name prefix following VASCA naming convention: ‘VASCA_<observatory>_<filed_id>_<obs_filter>’


Return the field/visit ID if the name is supplied and vice versa.

Note its not necessary to specify if identifier corresponds to the field or visit since names/IDs are unique.

astr, int

Input name (if string) or ID (if integer)

str, int

Output name or ID


Load field and associated visits information.


GALEX field name.

_load_data_products(field_name, ref_maps_only=False)[source]

Loads the relevant data products form storage.


GALEX field name.

ref_maps_onlybool, optional

If True, only the reference/coadd maps are loaded (default). If False, also the visit maps are included.

classmethod from_VASCA(field_name, fits_path=None, **kwargs)[source]

Constructor to initialize a GALEXField instance from a VASCA-generated FITS file


GALEX field ID

fits_pathstr, optional

Path to the fits file. Defaults to a path handled by ResourceManager.


All additional keyword arguments are passed to ~GALEXField.__init__()


classmethod from_MAST(field_name, load_products='TABLES', write=True, **kwargs)[source]

Constructor to initialize a GALEXDSField instance from pre-downloaded MAST archival data.

The procedure uses vasca.resource_manager.ResourceManager to handle file locations.


GALEX drift scan field name

load_productsstr, optional

Selects if data products shall be loaded: “NONE”, “TABLES” for tables, and reference image, “ALL” for tables and visit images.

write: bool, optional

If load_products is enabled, stores the data as VASCA tables in the cloud for faster loading in the future. Default is True.


All additional keyword arguments are passed to ~GALEXField.__init__()


Returns None if no entry is found

static load(field_name, method='MAST_LOCAL', load_products='TABLES', **field_kwargs)[source]

Loads GALEX field data according to a given method and returns a GALEXField instance.


GALEX drift scan field name

methodstr, optional

Specification of the load method. Four methods are implemented: MAST_REMOTE: Standard method to query data from MAST archives. This requires an internet connection to the MAST servers. Local data will be overwritten MAST_LOCAL: Dafault. Builds a new GALEXfield instance based on MAST archival data cached on local disc. If no data is found, the fallback is MAST_REMOTE. VASCA: Builds a new GALEXField based on a VASCA-generated field data file. AUTO: Attempts to load field data by using VASCA as method and falls back to MAST_LOCAL if no VASCA file is found on disc.

The default directory where field data availability is checked is defined by the “data_path” attribute of GALEXField and can be passed explicitly via the “field_kwargs”.

load_productsstr, optional

Selects if data products shall be loaded: “NONE”, “TABLES” for tables, and reference image, “ALL” for tables and visit images.


All additional keyword arguments are passed to the load methods ~GALEXField.from_MAST() and ~GALEXField.from_VASCA(), as well as to ~GALEXField.__init__().


If the specified load method is not a string.


If the specified load method is not one of ‘[“mast_remote”, “mast_local”, “vasca”, “auto”]’. String matching is case insensitive.
