
Module Contents



Collection of astropy.table.Table_ objects. Base calss for data storage classes in VASCA.



vasca.tables.dimless = None
vasca.tables.FILE_DIR = 'dirname(...)'
vasca.tables.ROOT_DIR = None
class vasca.tables.TableCollection[source]

Bases: object

Collection of astropy.table.Table_ objects. Base calss for data storage classes in VASCA.


static table_from_template(dd_data, template_name)[source]

Creates a new astropy table.


Data dictionaty with the key corresponding to the templates columns. Id data==None an empty template table is returned.


Identifier to select a table template. Templates are selected by setting the class key and a corresponding table key in one string separated by a colon, e.g. template_name=<class_key>:<table_key>.



Removes table from collection

ll_table_nameslist of str

List with name of tables

add_table(data, template_name)[source]

Add a VASCA table to the colection

datalist, array-like

Data of the table with shape (n, n_cols) or as dictionary with the key corresponding to the templates columns.


Identifier to select a table template. Templates are selected by setting the class key and a corresponding table key in one string separated by a colon, e.g. template_name=<class_key>:<table_key>. If no “:” is in the templatename, assume that this is not a VASCA table, but proceed adding it to the collection anyhow. template_name will be used as a table name in that case. The available VASCA templates are defined in vasca.tables_dict.


Remove unselected rows from given table


Table to delete the unselected rows from. Has to contain the “sel” column.


write_to_fits(file_name='tables.fits', overwrite=True, fits_verify='fix')[source]

Write tables and image of a collection to a fits file.

file_namestr, optional

File name. The default is “field_default.fits”.

overwritebool, optional

Overwrite existing file. The default is True.

fits_verfy: str, optional

Verify if output is compatible with FITS format. Options are: ‘exception’, ‘ignore’, ‘fix’, ‘silentfix’, ‘warn’ See The default is ‘warn’.



Loads collection from a fits file

file_namestr, optional

File name.



Print out information on tables in the collection.



Return string with information about the collection.



Apply multiple selections at once.


Dictionary with selection table, variables and cut values


select_rows(selections, remove_unselected=False)[source]

Apply selection to a passed table.


Dictionary with selection table, variables and cut values

remove_unselected: bool

Remove table rows with entry False in ‘sel’ table.


get_light_curve(fd_src_ids=None, rg_src_ids=None, flux_var='flux')[source]

Get a light curves for one or list of sources, for regions or fields.

fd_src_idslist or int

List or single field source IDs to plot. Default is None.

rg_src_idslist or int

List or single region source IDs to plot. Default is None.

flux_var: str, optional

Variable in table to be used to get flux Jy. Flux error assumed to be named flux_var+’_err’


Dictionary {src_id : light_curve). Light curve as an astropy Table compatible with astropy BinnedTimeSeries.


Apply _MeanShift clustering algorithm using to derive sources. Runs only on selected detections or sources.

ms_kwdict, optional

Keywords passed to the scikit MeanShift function. Note that the bandwidth is assumed to be in units of arc seconds.


Number of detected clusters.


Calculates source parameters from detections and stores them in the source table (tt_source).

src_id_namestr, optional

Name of the src_id to calculate statistics for. ‘rg_src_id’ indicates operations being performed on vasca.region objects whereas ‘fd_src_id’ would indicate vasca.field objects.


set_hardness_ratio(obs_filter_id1=1, obs_filter_id2=2)[source]

Calculated hardness ratio from detections flux(filter_2)/ flux(filter_1). Only simultaneous detections are considered

obs_filter_id1int, optional

Observation filter ID1. The default is 1.

obs_filter_id2int, optional

Observation filter ID2. The default is 1. The default is 2.


add_column(table_name, col_name, col_data=None)[source]

Adds column in a table, using the predefined VASCA columns. If column exists already replace it.


Name of the table.

col_name: str

Name of the column

col_data dict or array

Data to be inserted. If “None” use vasca.table_dict default value.


copy_table_columns(tab_name_to, tab_name_from, copy_vars, match_var='rg_src_id', select_matched=False)[source]

Copy a column from one table to the other, for those columns that have a matching variable value ‘match_variable’ Parameters ———- tab_name_to str

Table name of tabla to copy into

tab_name_from str

Table name of tabla to copy into

copy_vars list

Variable names of column to copy


Variable name to match rows in tables


Adjust the “sel” column in ‘tab_name_to’


cross_match(dist_max=1.5 * uu.arcsec, dist_s2n_max=3, cat_table_name='tt_coadd_sources', cat_id_name='coadd_src_id', cat_name='coadd', src_table_name='tt_sources')[source]

Cross match sources to a catalog by position. Typically this is the coadd catalog.

dist_max astropy.Quantity

Maximum angular distance under which all associations are done, independent of dist_s2n. The default is “1 arcsec”.

dist_s2n_max float

Maximum distance in units of position error. All sources below this cut are associated, independently of the dist_max selection.

cat_table_namestr, optional

Catalog table name. Has to contain “ra”,”dec” (in deg), “flux” (in microJy) and “cat_id_name” columns. Marks associated catalog sources in the “sel” column of the catalog table, if it exists.

cat_id_namestr, optional

Catalog ID Br. variable name. The default is “coadd_src_id”.

src_table_namestr, optional

Table to cross match to catalog. The default is “tt_sources”.
