
Visualization related methods for VASCA

Module Contents



Plot the selected sources and (optinally) the visit detections on the sky.


Plot the reference sky map.


Plot the nr visits and optionally (selected) sources (optinally) on the sky.


Plot the nr visits, fields or exposure on the sky. Coverage table has to be previously created with region.add_coverage_hp.


Plot histogram for passed astropy.table.Table and variable



Plot scatter plot for passed astropy.table.Table and variables


Diagnotic plots for VASCA pipe


Plot the light curves of the passed sources.


Plots light curve


Runs and plots Lomb Scargle diagram


Plots spectral energy distribution


vasca.visualization.plot_sky_sources(tt_src, tt_det=None, only_selected=True, ax=None, src_id='rg_src_id', sky_region_wcs=None, draw_labels=True, src_kwargs=None, det_kwargs=None)[source]

Plot the selected sources and (optinally) the visit detections on the sky.


Source list to plot. Has to contain “ra”, “dec” and srd id columns.

tt_detastropy.table.Table, optional

Detection list to plot. Has to contain “ra”, “dec” and src_id columns. Default is None.

only_selected: bool, optional

Show only selected sources. tt_src must have a “sel” column. default is True.

axaxes, optional

Matplotlib axes to plot on. The default is None.

src_id: str, optional

Write the source ID next to its marker, saved in the passed column name, typically “rg_src_id”, “fd_src_id” or None. Default is “”rg_src_id””

sky_region_wcs: (regions.SkyRegion, WCS) , optional

Plot only sources within the sky region. A WCS has to be passed along ina tuple. Default is None.

draw_labelsbool, optional

Draw labels next to sources showing “src_iud” entry. The default is True.

src_kwargsdict, optional

Keyword arguments for pyplot.plot of the sources. The default is None.

det_kwargsdict, optional

Keyword arguments for pyplot.patches.Polygon of the detections. The default is None.


Used Matplotlib axes.


Sources plotted from tt_src

vasca.visualization.plot_field_sky_map(field, fig=None, ax=None, img_idx=-1, sky_region=None, **img_kwargs)[source]

Plot the reference sky map.

field: vasca.BaseField

VASCA field to be plotted.

fig: figure, optional

Matplotlib figure to draw on, if None a new figure is created. The default is None.

axaxes, optional

Matplotlib axes to plot on. The default is None.

img_idxint, optional

Index nr of the visit in the tt_visits table. If -1 is passed the reference image is shown. Default is -1.

sky_region: regions.SkyRegion , optional

Plot only within the sky region. The field WCS will be used Default is None.


Key word arguments for pyplot.imshow plotting.


Matplotlib figure used to draw


Matplotlib axes of 2D image.

vasca.visualization.plot_region_sky_gnomeview(region, ra, dec, sel_srcs=True, gw_kwargs=None, ps_kwargs=None)[source]

Plot the nr visits and optionally (selected) sources (optinally) on the sky.


Region for which is plotted.


RA of the center of the sky figure.

dec: float

DEC of the center of the sky figure.

sel_srcsbool, optional

Show only selected sources. The default is True.

gw_kwargsdict, optional

Keyword arguments for healpy.gnomview. The default is None.

ps_kwargsdict, optional

Keyword arguments for healpy.projscatter. The default is None.


Used Matplotlib axes.

vasca.visualization.plot_region_sky_mollview(region, var='nr_vis', mw_kwargs=None)[source]

Plot the nr visits, fields or exposure on the sky. Coverage table has to be previously created with region.add_coverage_hp.


Region for which is plotted.


Coordinate system, Galactic or ICKS

var: str

Variable to plot, exposure “exp”, visits “nr_vis” or or fields “nr_fds”

mw_kwargsdict, optional

Keyword arguments for healpy.mollview. The default is None.


Used Matplotlib axes.

vasca.visualization.plot_table_hist(tt, var, ax=None, logx=False, obs_filter_id=None, **hist_kwargs)[source]

Plot histogram for passed astropy.table.Table and variable


Table containing a column with the plotted variable.

varstr, optional

Variable name

axmatplotlib.axes, optional

Axes to draw on. The default is None.

logxbool, optional

Histogram of log10(var) instead of var. The default is False.

obs_filter_id: int, optional

Observation filter ID Nr., if None all filters are shown. THe default is None.


Key word arguments passed tu plt.hist


Axes that where used to draw.

list of float

Histogram bin values.

list of float

Histogram bins, default is [selected, all] events.

vasca.visualization.scatter_hist(x, y, ax, ax_histx, ax_histy)[source]
vasca.visualization.plot_table_scatter(tt, varx, vary, ax=None, xlim=None, ylim=None, invert_xaxis=None, invert_yaxis=None, xscale='linear', yscale='linear', obs_filter_id=None, grp_var='sel', grp_vals=None, add_projection=False, **scatter_kwargs)[source]

Plot scatter plot for passed astropy.table.Table and variables


Table containing columns with the plotted variables.


Variable name on X-axis


Variable name on Y-axis

axmatplotlib.axes, optional

Axes to draw on. The default is None.

xlimlist, optional

List with [xmin, xmax] axis value. Default is None.

ylimlist, optional

List with [ymin, ymax] axis value. Default is None.

xscalestr, optional

Type of x-scale (“log”, “linear”). Default is “linear”.

yscalestr, optional

Type of y-scale (“log”, “linear”). Default is “linear”.

obs_filter_id: int, optional

Observation filter ID Nr., if None all filters are shown. The default is None.

grp_var: str, optional

Group scatter plot by colors based on this table variable. The default is “sel”. If None is passed no groups will be done.

add_projection: bool, optional

Add histogram with projection on the sides


Key word arguments passed tu plt.plot


Axes that where used to draw.

vasca.visualization.plot_pipe_diagnostic(tc, table_name, plot_type, fig_size=(12, 8), obs_filter_id=None)[source]

Diagnotic plots for VASCA pipe


Table collection, either field or region


Name of the table, tt_detections or tt_sources


Type of plot, either “hist” or “scatter”

fig_size: (float,float)

Matplotlib figure (x,y) size in inches.

obs_filter_id: int, optional

Observation filter ID. Default is None.


Figure used for plotting


Dictionary with plot variables keys and plot settings values

vasca.visualization.plot_light_curves(tc, fd_src_ids=None, rg_src_ids=None, fig=None, ax=None, ylim=None, plot_upper_limits=True, flux_var='flux', **errorbar_kwargs)[source]

Plot the light curves of the passed sources.


Either field, region or source that contains the light curves.

fd_src_idslist or int

List or single field source IDs to plot. Default is None.

rg_src_idslist or int

List or single region source IDs to plot. Default is None.

fig: figure, optional

Matplotlib figure to draw on, if None a new figure is created. The default is None.

axaxes, optional

Matplotlib axes to plot on. The default is None.

ylimlist, optional

Limits of the y axis. Default is None


Plot upper limits to the lightcurve. The default is True.

flux_var: str, optional

Variable in table to be used to get flux Jy


Key word arguments for pyplot.errorbars plotting.


Matplotlib figure used to draw


Used Matplotlib axes.

vasca.visualization.plot_light_curve(tc_src, fig=None, ax=None, show_gphoton=True, add_axes=True, **errorbar_kwargs)[source]

Plots light curve

tc_src: vasca.TableCollection

Table collection containing tt_sed table.

fig: figure, optional

Matplotlib figure to draw on, if None a new figure is created. The default is None.

axaxes, optional

Matplotlib axes to plot on. The default is None.

show_gphoton: bool, optional

Show gphoton light curve too, if present in table collection?. The default is True.

add_axes: bool, optional

Add additional x- and y-axis on the empty sides


Key word arguments for pyplot.errorbars plotting.


Matplotlib figure used to draw


Used Matplotlib axes.

vasca.visualization.plot_lombscargle(tt_lc, fig=None, ax=None, ax_phase=None, ax_lc=None, obs_filter='NUV', nbins_min=10, logy=False, freq_range=[0.03, 2] / uu.d, plot_dtbins=True)[source]

Runs and plots Lomb Scargle diagram

tc_src: vasca.TableCollection

Table collection containing tt_sed table.

fig: figure, optional

Matplotlib figure to draw on, if None a new figure is created. The default is None.

axaxes, optional

Matplotlib axes to plot LombScargle diagram on. The default is None.

ax_lcaxes, optional

Matplotlib axes to plot with the light curve to plot peak frequency model on. The default is None.

ax_phaseaxes, optional

Matplotlib axes to plot phase diagram. The default is None.

obs_filterstr, optional

Observational filter to perform LombScargle on. The default is “NUV”

nbins_minint, optional

Minimum number of time bins to perform LombScargle. The default is 20.

logybool, optional

Plot LombScargle diagram in log(Power). The default is True.


Minimum and maximum Frequency. If None calculated automatically.


Matplotlib figure used to draw


Used Matplotlib axes.


Lomb Scargle results

vasca.visualization.plot_sed(tc_src, fig=None, ax=None, plot_spec_lines=False, plot_spec=False, **errorbar_kwargs)[source]

Plots spectral energy distribution

tc_src: vasca.TableCollection

Table collection containing tt_sed table.

fig: figure, optional

Matplotlib figure to draw on, if None a new figure is created. The default is None.

axaxes, optional

Matplotlib axes to plot on. The default is None.

plot_spec_lines: bool

Plot typical spectral lines in White Dwarfs. The default is False.

plot_spec: bool

Plot typical spectral lines in White Dwarfs. The default is False.


Key word arguments for pyplot.errorbars plotting.


Matplotlib figure used to draw


Used Matplotlib axes.


Dictionary with fit information