Source code for vasca.region

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import os
import warnings

import healpy as hpy
import numpy as np
from astropy import units as uu
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from astropy.table import Table, unique
from astropy.timeseries import LombScargle
from astroquery.simbad import Simbad
from astroquery.vizier import Vizier
from loguru import logger

from vasca.field import BaseField, GALEXDSField, GALEXField
from vasca.source import Source
from vasca.tables import TableCollection
from vasca.tables_dict import dd_vasca_tables, dd_vasca_columns
from vasca.utils import dd_filter2id, run_LombScargle, get_config

[docs] class Region(TableCollection): """ Defines a region in the sky as a list of vasca.field objects. It provides functionality to loop over fields to derive source lists, etc. """ def __init__(self): """ Many class attributes are stored in astropy.table.Table_. To see a description of each of their columns run :meth: ``. .. _astropy.table.Table: Returns ------- None """ # Sets skeleton super().__init__() # Path where region and fields are stored self.region_path = None self.fields = {} # dictionary of field_id and field objects
[docs] @classmethod def load_from_config(cls, vasca_cfg): """ Loads region from configuration dictionary. Parameters ---------- vasca_cfg : dict Dictionary with region parameters derived from the vasca pipeline YAML configuration file. Returns ------- None """ rg = cls() rg.add_table(None, "region:tt_fields") logger.debug("Loading fields from config file") # Loop over all observations rg_fd_id = 0 for obs in vasca_cfg["observations"]: if obs["observatory"] == "GALEX" or obs["observatory"] == "GALEX_DS": gfield_load_func = ( GALEXDSField.load if obs["observatory"] == "GALEX_DS" else GALEXField.load ) # Loop over fields and store info for gfield_id in obs["obs_field_ids"]: try: # Data needs to be preloaded serially, to avoid many parallel # requests to the MAST server later which results in errors gf = gfield_load_func( gfield_id, obs_filter=obs["obs_filter"], method=vasca_cfg["resources"]["load_method"], load_products=vasca_cfg["resources"]["load_products"], **vasca_cfg["resources"]["field_kwargs"], ) rg_fd_id += 1 if type(gf) == type(None): continue field_info = dict(gf.tt_fields[0]) field_info["fov_diam"] = gf.fov_diam field_info["nr_vis"] = gf.nr_vis field_info["time_bin_size_sum"] = gf.time_bin_size_sum field_info["time_start"] = gf.time_start.mjd field_info["time_stop"] = gf.time_stop.mjd field_info["rg_fd_id"] = rg_fd_id rg.tt_fields.add_row(field_info) except Exception as e: logger.exception( f"Faild to load field '{gfield_id}'. " f"Moving on to next field. Exception:\n {e}" ) continue else: logger.warning( "Selected observatory `" + obs["observatory"] + "` not supported" ) # Add region path rg.region_path = ( vasca_cfg["general"]["out_dir_base"] + "/" + vasca_cfg["general"]["name"] ) # Add filter table rg.add_table(None, "region:tt_filters") for flt, flt_id in dd_filter2id.items(): rg.tt_filters.add_row( {"obs_filter": flt, "obs_filter_id": flt_id, "obs_filter_idx": -1} ) return rg
[docs] def add_table_from_fields(self, table_name, only_selected=False): """ Add tables from the fields to the region by stacking them, adding the rg_fd_id column. Parameters ---------- table_name : str Table to be added. only_selected : bool, optional Only selected rows from the field tables are copied over to the region. The default is False. Returns ------- None """ logger.debug(f"Adding table from fields: {table_name}") if table_name in self._table_names: logger.warning(f"Table '{table_name}' already exists, overwriting") # Loop over fields and add field_id column and field id table self.tt_fields.add_index("field_id") ll_tt = [] # List of "table_name" tables for all fields for field_id, field in self.fields.items(): rg_fd_id = self.tt_fields.loc["field_id", [field_id]]["rg_fd_id"] if table_name in field.__dict__.keys(): tt = field.__dict__[table_name] else: logger.warning(f"No table {table_name} found for field {field_id}") continue # Apply row selection sel = np.ones(len(tt), dtype="bool") if only_selected: sel = tt["sel"] tt_sel = tt[sel] tt_sel["rg_fd_id"] = len(tt_sel) * [rg_fd_id] ll_tt.append(tt_sel) # colnames = dd_vasca_tables["region"][table_name]["names"] colnames = list( set(dd_vasca_tables["region"][table_name]["names"]) & set(ll_tt[0].colnames) ) # Create empty data structure and then fill it with field tables dd_data = dict(zip(colnames, [list() for ii in range(len(colnames))])) for tt in ll_tt: for colname in colnames: dd_data[colname].extend(tt[colname].tolist()) self.add_table(dd_data, "region:" + table_name)
[docs] def add_coverage_hp(self, nside=4096, coord_sys="galactic"): """ Creates healpix arrays of Nr visits, fields and total exposure. Parameters ---------- nside : int, optional NSIDE of healpix binning. The default is 4096. coord_sys : str, optional Coordinate system, "galactic" or "icrs". Returns ------- list of int Array with number of visits per pixel. list of int Array with exposure per pixel. list of int Array with number of fields. """ npix = hpy.nside2npix(nside) pix_diam = hpy.nside2resol(nside, arcmin=True) / 60 * uu.deg logger.debug( f"Healpix NSIDE: {nside}, NPIX: {npix}, pixel diameter: {pix_diam}" ) pix_nrs = np.arange(npix) hp_nr_vis = np.zeros(npix, dtype="float32") hp_exp = np.zeros(npix, dtype="float32") hp_nr_fds = np.zeros(npix, dtype="float32") for field in self.tt_fields: pos_vec = hpy.ang2vec(field["ra"], field["dec"], lonlat=True) if coord_sys == "galactic": cel = SkyCoord(field["ra"], field["dec"], frame="icrs", unit="deg") pos_vec = hpy.ang2vec(,, lonlat=True ) rdisc = field["fov_diam"] / 2.0 # TODO: Here a more general query_polygon will have to be done for ULTRASAT ipix_disc = hpy.query_disc( nside=nside, vec=pos_vec, radius=np.radians(rdisc) ) hp_nr_vis[ipix_disc] += field["nr_vis"] hp_exp[ipix_disc] += field["time_bin_size_sum"] hp_nr_fds[ipix_disc] += 1 # Write to table sel_pix = hp_nr_vis > 0 keys_data = ["pix_id", "nr_vis", "exp", "nr_fds"] ll_data = [ pix_nrs[sel_pix], hp_nr_vis[sel_pix], hp_exp[sel_pix], hp_nr_fds[sel_pix], ] dd_data = dict(zip(keys_data, ll_data)) self.add_table(dd_data, "region:tt_coverage_hp") self.tt_coverage_hp.meta["NSIDE"] = nside self.tt_coverage_hp.meta["COOR_SYS"] = coord_sys hp_exp[hp_exp < 1e-6] = hpy.UNSEEN hp_nr_vis[hp_nr_vis < 1e-6] = hpy.UNSEEN hp_nr_vis[hp_nr_fds < 1e-6] = hpy.UNSEEN return hp_nr_vis, hp_exp, hp_nr_fds
[docs] def load_from_fits(self, file_name, load_fields=False): """ Loads field from a fits file. Parameters ---------- file_name : str, optional Region file name. load_fields : bool, optional Load the fields, which have to be located as fits in the subfolder "./fields/" of the region file in "file_name". Default is False. Returns ------- None """ # Load file from TableCollection base class super().load_from_fits(file_name) self.region_path = os.path.dirname(file_name) # Load fields if load_fields: for ff in self.tt_fields: self.get_field( field_id=ff["field_id"], load_method="FITS", add_field=True )
[docs] def get_src_from_id( self, rg_src_id, load_from_file=True, write_to_file=True, add_sed=True, add_gphoton=True, add_spectrum=True, ): """ Get Source object containing all region table entries relevant for the passed rg_src_id. Parameters ---------- rg_src_id : int Region source ID. load_from_file : bool, optional Load from a previously stored source, assumed to be in the "./sources" directory of the analysis directory. The default is True. write_to_file: bool, optional Store source into the "./sources" directory of the analysis directory. The default is True. add_sed: bool, optional Add Spectral Energy Distribution using ``vasca.source.Source.add_vizier_SED()``. The default is True. add_gphoton: bool, optional Add gphoton light curve using ``vasca.source.Source.add_gphoton_lc()``. The default is True. add_spectrum: bool, optional Add spectrum using ``vasca.source.Source.add_spectrum()``. The default is True. Returns ------- vasca.table.source VASCA source object. """ logger.debug(f"Getting Source object for rg_src_id: {rg_src_id}") src = Source() src_name = str(rg_src_id) if "src_name" in self.tt_sources.colnames: self.tt_sources.add_index("rg_src_id") src_name = str(self.tt_sources.loc["rg_src_id", [rg_src_id]]["src_name"]) src_name = src_name.replace(" ", "_") # Check if source shall be loaded for file and file exists fname_src = self.region_path + "/sources/src_" + src_name + ".fits" if os.path.exists(fname_src) and load_from_file: logger.debug(f"Loading source from file {fname_src}") src.load_from_fits(fname_src) return src # Otherwise derive from region else: # Adding source and detection table # Tables to copy entries from, if they exist in region ll_tables = [ "tt_sources", "tt_detections", "tt_coadd_sources", "tt_simbad", "tt_gaiadr3", "tt_lombscargle", "tt_gaiaedr3_wd", "tt_gfcat", ] for tt_name in ll_tables: if hasattr(self, tt_name): if rg_src_id in self.__dict__[tt_name]["rg_src_id"]: self.__dict__[tt_name].add_index("rg_src_id") src.add_table( Table(self.__dict__[tt_name].loc["rg_src_id", [rg_src_id]]), tt_name, ) # Add visits self.tt_visits.add_index("vis_id") vis_ids = (unique(src.tt_detections, keys="vis_id"))["vis_id"] src.add_table(Table(self.tt_visits.loc["vis_id", vis_ids]), "tt_visits") # Add fields self.tt_fields.add_index("rg_fd_id") rg_fd_ids = (unique(src.tt_detections, keys="rg_fd_id"))["rg_fd_id"] src.add_table(Table(self.tt_fields.loc["rg_fd_id", rg_fd_ids]), "tt_fields") # Add filter src.add_table(Table(self.tt_filters), "tt_filters") # Add light curve src.add_table( src.get_light_curve(rg_src_ids=rg_src_id)[rg_src_id], "tt_source_lc" ) # Add additional info if asked if add_sed: src.add_vizier_SED() if add_gphoton: src.add_gphoton_lc() if add_spectrum: src.add_spectrum() # Write if asked if write_to_file: # create source directory if it does not exist os.makedirs(self.region_path + "/sources", exist_ok=True) src.write_to_fits(fname_src) return src
[docs] def set_src_id_info(self): """ Stores the mapping of rg_src_id to rg_fd_id and fd_src_id into tt_src_id_map table. Returns ------- None """ logger.debug("Setting table tt_src_id_map.") dd_ids = {"rg_src_id": [], "rg_fd_id": [], "fd_src_id": [], "sel": []} tt_ids = unique( self.tt_detections["rg_src_id", "rg_fd_id", "fd_src_id", "sel"], keys=["rg_fd_id", "fd_src_id"], ) tt_ids.add_index("rg_src_id") # TODO: This could be done much more effieciently for rg_src_id in self.tt_sources["rg_src_id"]: # tt_det = Table() ids_idx = np.array(tt_ids.loc_indices["rg_src_id", [rg_src_id]]).flatten() for key in dd_ids.keys(): if len(ids_idx) == 1: dd_ids[key].append(tt_ids[ids_idx[0]][key]) else: dd_ids[key].extend(tt_ids[ids_idx][key]) self.add_table(dd_ids, "region:tt_src_id_map")
[docs] def get_src_from_sky_pos(self, coordx, coordy, frame="icrs"): """ Get Source object containing all region table entries relevant for the passed source position. The nearest source is matched. Parameters ---------- coordx : str or float First coordinate component in any astropy.SkyCoord compatible format. coordy : str or float Second coordinate component in any astropy.SkyCoord compatible format. frame : str Coordinate system. Any astropy compatible format, see Returns ------- vasca.table.source VASCA source object. astropy.Quantity Distance to the nearest source """ logger.debug(f"Getting Source object for coord: {coordx},{coordy}") coord_srcs = SkyCoord( self.tt_sources["ra"], self.tt_sources["dec"], frame="icrs" ) coord_ref = SkyCoord(coordx, coordy, frame=frame) idx, d2d, d3d = coord_ref.match_to_catalog_sky(coord_srcs) rg_src_id = self.tt_sources[idx]["rg_src_id"] src = self.get_src_from_id(rg_src_id) return [src, *d2d]
[docs] def get_field( self, field_id=None, rg_fd_id=None, load_method="FITS", add_field=False, mast_products="TABLES", field_kwargs=dict(), ): """ Load a field from a region, tt_fields table needs to include this field. Parameters ---------- field_id : str Field ID. The default is None. rg_fd_id : int Region field ID. The default is None. load_method : str, optional Method to load the field. Either from "FITS", from "MAST" or from "VASCA". The default is "FITS". Note that if the field is already in the region.fields dictionary, this will be ignored and the later be returned. add_field : bool, optional Add the field to the region.fields dictionary. The default is True. mast_products : str, optional load_products option of field.load_from_MAST. Sets to what level data products are downloaded. field_kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments passed to the field loading function. Returns ------- vasca.field VASCA field """ # Select field and set both field ids if type(field_id) is not type(None): sel_fd = self.tt_fields["field_id"] == field_id rg_fd_id = self.tt_fields[sel_fd]["rg_fd_id"][0] elif type(rg_fd_id) is not type(None): sel_fd = self.tt_fields["rg_fd_id"] == rg_fd_id field_id = self.tt_fields[sel_fd]["field_id"][0] else: logger.warning("Need to specify either field_id or rg_fd_id") fd_row = self.tt_fields[sel_fd] if len(fd_row) != 1: logger.warning( f"Could not identify single field for {field_id}, {rg_fd_id}" ) # ** Load field accorading to passed method ** # If already loaded into field dictionary return it if field_id in self.fields.keys(): return self.fields[field_id] # If it shall be loaded from a fits file elif load_method == "FITS": fd = BaseField() fd.load_from_fits(self.region_path + "/fields/field_" + field_id + ".fits") if add_field: self.fields[field_id] = fd return fd # If it should be loaded from MAST or VASCA-MAST file database elif fd_row["observatory"] == "GALEX" or fd_row["observatory"] == "GALEX_DS": gfield_load_func = ( GALEXDSField.load if fd_row["observatory"] == "GALEX_DS" else GALEXField.load ) gf = gfield_load_func( ( str(fd_row["field_name"][0]) if fd_row["observatory"] == "GALEX_DS" else int(str(fd_row["field_id"][0])[3:]) ), obs_filter=str(fd_row["obs_filter"][0]), method=load_method, load_products=mast_products, **field_kwargs, ) if add_field: self.fields[field_id] = gf return gf else: logger.warning("Usupported loading method")
# def set_lomb_scargle(self):
[docs] def cross_match_cds( self, query_radius=1.5 * uu.arcsec, query_table="I/355/gaiadr3", vizier_columns=[ "*", "PQSO", "PGal", "PSS", "RPlx", "VarFlag", "o_Gmag", "RFRP", "RFBP", "AG", "E(BP-RP)", ], overwrite=False, ): """ Match sources in region with SIMBAD-catalogs or Vizier database catalog. Runs only over selected sources. Parameters ---------- query_radius : astropy.quantity, optional Query up to this distance from VASCA sources. The default is 1 * uu.arcsec. query_table : str, optional Vizier table to query, if "simbad" query SIMBAD instead. The default is the main GAIA-DR3 table. vizier_columns: list, optional Vizier catalog columns to get from the catalog. \* is for default columns, \*\* for all columns. The default is for selected `Vizier GAIA columns`_ .. _Vizier GAIA columns: overwrite: bool, optional Overwrite preexisting association for this source. The default is False. Returns ------- None """ logger.debug(f"Query {query_table} table") # Define variables for later, depending on catalog source if query_table.lower() == "simbad": cat_name = "simbad" elif query_table.lower() == "j/mnras/508/3877/maincat": cat_name = "gaiaedr3_wd" else: cat_name = query_table.split("/")[-1] tab_name = "tt_" + cat_name if tab_name in self._table_names: logger.warning(f"Region already contained {tab_name} info") if overwrite: self.remove_tables([tab_name]) else: logger.warning(f"As overwrite is {overwrite}, query stopped") return # Get selected sources tt_src = self.tt_sources[self.tt_sources["sel"]] # Get coordinates for query coords = SkyCoord( tt_src["ra"].quantity, tt_src["dec"].quantity, frame="icrs", ) # [:100] # ---- Run SIMBAD query and modify query results if query_table.lower() == "simbad": customSimbad = Simbad() customSimbad.TIMEOUT = 600 # Get only this subset of SIMBAD variables vo_entries = [ "otype(opt)", "otypes", "distance", "distance_result", "velocity", "z_value", "sptype", ] customSimbad.add_votable_fields(*vo_entries) # TODO: Split here and for Vizier below into multiple queries to avoid # server time out for >>10000 srcs with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", UserWarning) logger.debug(f"Starting SIMBAD query for {len(coords)} sources..") tt_qr = customSimbad.query_region(coords, radius=query_radius) logger.debug("..query done.") # Add rg_src_id tt_qr["rg_src_id"] = tt_src["rg_src_id"][tt_qr["SCRIPT_NUMBER_ID"] - 1] # Change type for astropy vo_change_type = [ "MAIN_ID", "COO_BIBCODE", "OTYPE_opt", "OTYPES", "RVZ_BIBCODE", "SP_TYPE", "SP_QUAL", "SP_BIBCODE", ] for vo in vo_change_type: tt_qr[vo] = tt_qr[vo].data.astype("S32") # Lower case column names for col in tt_qr.colnames: tt_qr.rename_column(col, col.lower()) # Change unit to astropy format and change some names skycoords = SkyCoord( tt_qr["ra"].data, tt_qr["dec"].data, frame="icrs", unit=(uu.hourangle, uu.deg), ) tt_qr["ra"] = * uu.deg tt_qr["dec"] = * uu.deg tt_qr.rename_column("otype_opt", "otype") tt_qr.rename_column("distance_result", "match_distance") # ---- Run Vizier query and modify query results else: logger.debug(f"Starting Vizier query for {len(coords)} sources..") # Define columns from GAIA to get. # customVizier = Vizier( columns=vizier_columns, catalog=query_table, timeout=600, ) tt_qr = (customVizier.query_region(coords, radius=query_radius))[0] logger.debug("..query done.") # Fix to avoid fits writing error when descriptions are too long tt_qr.meta = {} # Add rg_src_id tt_qr["rg_src_id"] = tt_src["rg_src_id"][tt_qr["_q"] - 1] # Rename columns tt_qr.rename_column("RA_ICRS", "ra") tt_qr.rename_column("DE_ICRS", "dec") # Add distance between Vizier and VASCA source match_coords = SkyCoord( tt_qr["ra"].quantity, tt_qr["dec"].quantity, frame="icrs" ) idx_cat, dist_cat, _ = match_coords.match_to_catalog_sky(coords) tt_qr["match_distance"] = # Add vasca internal coutnerpart ID tt_qr[cat_name + "_match_id"] = np.array(range(0, len(tt_qr)), dtype=np.int32) # # Sort table tt_qr.sort(["rg_src_id", "match_distance"]) # # Add match_id to tt_sources tu_qr = unique(tt_qr, keys="rg_src_id") self.tt_sources.add_index("rg_src_id") idx = self.tt_sources.loc_indices["rg_src_id", tu_qr["rg_src_id"]] self.tt_sources[cat_name + "_match_id"] = -1 * np.ones( len(self.tt_sources), dtype=np.int32 ) self.tt_sources[cat_name + "_match_id"][idx] = tu_qr[cat_name + "_match_id"] # Add table self.add_table(tt_qr, tab_name)
[docs] def add_simbad_otype_info(self): """ Add table explaing SIMBAD object groups Returns ------- """ tu_qr = unique(self.tt_simbad, keys="rg_src_id") # Get all associated otypes otypes_all, otype_cts_all = np.unique(tu_qr["otype"], return_counts=True) # Read files with otype description # TODO make the ressource manager handle this fpath = os.path.dirname(__file__) tt_nodes = fpath + "/examples/resources/SIMBAD_otypes/otypes_nodes.csv" ) # Get index for all associated otypes in deeescription table ids, ids_idx, _ = np.intersect1d( tt_nodes["Id"], np.array(otypes_all), return_indices=True ) # Consider also unused otypes (marked by?) candidate = np.asarray( data=tt_nodes["Candidate"], mask=False, fill_value="none" ) ) can, can_idx, _ = np.intersect1d( candidate, np.array(otypes_all), return_indices=True ) # Merge index of sure and unsure otypes all_idx = np.unique(np.append(ids_idx, can_idx)) tt_nodes.rename_column("Id", "otype") # Add table and ogroup self.add_table(tt_nodes[all_idx], "tt_otypes")
[docs] def synch_src_sel(self, remove_unselected=False): """ Synchronize selections among tables. Select rows for tables containing "rg_src_id" for sources selected in tt_sources. Parameters ---------- remove_unselected: bool, optional Remove table rows which were not selected Returns ------- None """ for tab_name in self._table_names: if "rg_src_id" in self.__dict__[tab_name].colnames: logger.debug(f"Synchronizing selection in table {tab_name}") sel = np.in1d( self.__dict__[tab_name]["rg_src_id"], self.tt_sources["rg_src_id"][self.tt_sources["sel"]], ) self.__dict__[tab_name]["sel"] = sel if remove_unselected: self.__dict__[tab_name] = self.__dict__[tab_name][ self.__dict__[tab_name]["sel"] ]
[docs] def get_region_catalog(self): """ Create a reduced region, which only contains info on selected sources Returns ------- vasca.Region Region with only the selected sources """ # Create catalog region rg = Region() # keep only selected sources and detections, etc self.synch_src_sel() # Copy the tables listed below fully into catalog region for tab_name in self._table_names: if "sel" in self.__dict__[tab_name].colnames: rg.add_table( self.__dict__[tab_name][self.__dict__[tab_name]["sel"]], tab_name, ) else: rg.add_table(self.__dict__[tab_name], tab_name) return rg
[docs] def set_LombScargle(self, obs_filters=["NUV", "FUV"], nbins_min=20): """ Apply LombScargle analysis to selected sources. Results are stored into the tt_lombscargle table of the region. Parameters ---------- obs_filters : array, optional Observation filters to apply Lomb Scargle on. nbins_min : int, optional Minimum number of time bins to perform LombScargle. The default is 20. Returns ------- None """ tt_src = self.tt_sources[self.tt_sources["sel"]] logger.debug("Running LombScargle..") dd_lcs = self.get_light_curve(rg_src_ids=tt_src["rg_src_id"]) logger.debug("Starting source loop") # Prepare results dictionary dd_ls = { "rg_src_id": list(), "ls_peak_power": list(), "ls_peak_freq": list(), "ls_peak_pval": list(), "ls_pval_alt_flt": list(), "ls_model_rchiq": list(), "ls_model_pval": list(), } for src_id, tt_lc in dd_lcs.items(): # Consider only NUV fil sel_flt0 = np.array( (tt_lc["obs_filter"] == obs_filters[0]) * (tt_lc["sel"] == True), dtype=bool, ) dd_ls_results = run_LombScargle(tt_lc[sel_flt0], nbins_min=nbins_min) if type(dd_ls_results) == type(None): continue dd_ls_results["rg_src_id"] = src_id dd_ls_results["ls_pval_alt_flt"] = dd_vasca_columns["ls_pval_alt_flt"][ "default" ] # * uu.Unit(dd_vasca_columns["ls_pval_alt_flt"]["unit"]) # For second filter only check peak probability at first filter peak if len(obs_filters) > 1: sel_flt1 = np.array( (tt_lc["obs_filter"] == obs_filters[1]) * (tt_lc["sel"] == True), dtype=bool, ) if sel_flt1.sum() > nbins_min: ls = LombScargle( tt_lc["time"][sel_flt1], tt_lc["flux"][sel_flt1], tt_lc["flux_err"][sel_flt1], ) power = ls.power(dd_ls_results["ls_peak_freq"]) Pval = ls.false_alarm_probability(power) dd_ls_results["ls_pval_alt_flt"] = Pval dd_ls_results["ls_peak_freq"] = dd_ls_results["ls_peak_freq"].value # Write out results for var in dd_ls.keys(): dd_ls[var].append(dd_ls_results[var]) self.add_table(dd_ls, "region:tt_lombscargle")
[docs] def redo_src_selection(self, cfg_file_name="./vasca_cfg.yaml"): """ Redo source selection, set in the tt_sources["sel"] column of the region based on the passed configuration file. Parameters ---------- cfg_file_name: str, optional File name of the YAML configuration file specifying the source selection. Returns ------- None """ # Get src selection dictionary from file vasca_cfg = get_config(cfg_file_name) # Apply selection self.tt_sources["sel"] = False self.select_from_config(vasca_cfg["selection_src"]) self.synch_src_sel(remove_unselected=False)