Source code for vasca.tables

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import os

import numpy as np
from astropy import units as uu
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from import fits
from astropy.nddata import bitmask
from astropy.table import Column, Table, join, MaskedColumn
from astropy.wcs import wcs
from astropy.timeseries import TimeSeries
from loguru import logger
from scipy.stats import chi2
from sklearn.cluster import MeanShift, estimate_bandwidth

from vasca.tables_dict import dd_vasca_columns, dd_vasca_tables
from vasca.utils import add_rg_src_id, table_to_array, get_var_stat

# import warnings
# from import VerifyWarning

# deactivate warnings
# warnings.simplefilter('ignore', category=VerifyWarning)

dimless = uu.dimensionless_unscaled

# global paths
# path to the dir. of this file
FILE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
ROOT_DIR = FILE_DIR + "/../"  # path to the root directory of the repository

[docs] class TableCollection(object): """ Collection of astropy.table.Table_ objects. Base calss for data storage classes in VASCA. """ def __init__(self): # Configure logger # adds the class name as an extra key; accessible vie the handler format logger.configure(extra={"classname": self.__class__.__name__}) self._table_names = list()
[docs] @staticmethod def table_from_template(dd_data, template_name): """ Creates a new astropy table. Parameters ---------- dd_data : dict Data dictionaty with the key corresponding to the templates columns. Id data==None an empty template table is returned. template_name : str Identifier to select a table template. Templates are selected by setting the class key and a corresponding table key in one string separated by a colon, e.g. template_name=<class_key>:<table_key>. Returns ------- astropy.table.Table """ # Check dd_data type if not ( isinstance(dd_data, dict) or isinstance(dd_data, Table) or (dd_data is None) ): logger.error(f"Passed data format not supported: {type(dd_data)}") # Takes pre-defined template dictionary templates = dd_vasca_tables # Parse template identifier keys if template_name is not None: class_key = template_name.split(":")[0] table_key = template_name.split(":")[1] # Generate lists of available class and table keys class_keys = [clss for clss in templates.keys()] table_keys = [ tbl for clss in templates.keys() for tbl in templates[clss].keys() ] # Check if template exists for template_name if class_key not in class_keys: raise KeyError( f"Unknown class key '{class_key}'. Choose one from {class_keys}" ) if table_key not in table_keys: raise KeyError( f"Unknown table key '{table_key}'. Choose one from {table_keys}" ) # Get template just for the required table template_copy = templates[class_key][table_key].copy() # Check if data misses columns and in case fill with default values dd_data_sel = {} if dd_data is not None: len_data_cols = len(dd_data[list(dd_data.keys())[0]]) for col in template_copy["names"]: if col not in dd_data.keys(): idx = template_copy["names"].index(col) dd_data_sel[col] = [template_copy["defaults"][idx]] * len_data_cols else: dd_data_sel[col] = dd_data[col] else: dd_data_sel = None # Create table, delete defaults entry first, # as astropy Table does not support this del template_copy["defaults"] # dd_data_sel = dd_data[**template_copy["names"]] tt_out = Table(data=dd_data_sel, **template_copy) # tt_out.meta["template"] = template_name # logging # Remove "defaults" from templates dictionary, # as astropy.Table does not support this # logger.debug(f"Created new table from template '{template_name}'.") return tt_out
[docs] def remove_tables(self, ll_table_names): """Removes table from collection Parameters ---------- ll_table_names : list of str List with name of tables """ logger.debug(f"Removing tables '{ll_table_names}'") for table_name in ll_table_names: if table_name in self.__dict__.keys(): del self.__dict__[table_name] if table_name in self._table_names: self._table_names.remove(table_name)
[docs] def add_table(self, data, template_name): """ Add a VASCA table to the colection Parameters ---------- data : list, array-like Data of the table with shape (n, n_cols) or as dictionary with the key corresponding to the templates columns. template_name : str Identifier to select a table template. Templates are selected by setting the class key and a corresponding table key in one string separated by a colon, e.g. template_name=<class_key>:<table_key>. If no ":" is in the templatename, assume that this is not a VASCA table, but proceed adding it to the collection anyhow. template_name will be used as a table name in that case. The available VASCA templates are defined in ``vasca.tables_dict``. """ logger.debug(f"Adding table '{template_name}'") table_key = template_name if ":" in template_name: table_key = template_name.split(":")[1] if table_key in self._table_names: logger.warning(f"Table '{table_key}' already exists, overwriting") else: self._table_names.append(table_key) if ":" in template_name: tt = self.table_from_template(data, template_name) else: tt = Table(data) tt.meta["Name"] = template_name setattr(self, table_key, tt)
[docs] def remove_unselected(self, table_name): """ Remove unselected rows from given table Parameters ---------- table_name : str Table to delete the unselected rows from. Has to contain the "sel" column. Returns ------- None """ logger.debug(f"Removing unselected rows in table '{table_name}'") if hasattr(self, table_name): sel = self.__dict__[table_name]["sel"] self.__dict__[table_name] = self.__dict__[table_name][sel] else: raise ValueError( f"Table '{table_name}' does not exist. Can't remove rows. " )
[docs] def write_to_fits(self, file_name="tables.fits", overwrite=True, fits_verify="fix"): """ Write tables and image of a collection to a fits file. Parameters ---------- file_name : str, optional File name. The default is "field_default.fits". overwrite : bool, optional Overwrite existing file. The default is True. fits_verfy: str, optional Verify if output is compatible with FITS format. Options are: 'exception', 'ignore', 'fix', 'silentfix', 'warn' See The default is 'warn'. Returns ------- None. """"Writing file with name '{file_name}'") # Create HDU list and write hdulist = [fits.PrimaryHDU()] # Check if image data is set and add to primary HDU if ( hasattr(self, "ref_img") and type(self.ref_img) is not type(None) and type(self.ref_wcs) is not type(None) ): logger.debug(f"Storing image data of shape {self.ref_img.shape}") self.ref_img = self.ref_img.astype(np.float32) hdulist.append( fits.CompImageHDU( data=self.ref_img, header=self.ref_wcs.to_header(), name="ref_img", ) ) if ( hasattr(self, "vis_img") and hasattr(self, "ref_wcs") and type(self.vis_img) is not type(None) ): logger.debug(f"Storing image data of shape {self.vis_img.shape}") self.vis_img = self.vis_img.astype(np.float32) hdulist.append( fits.CompImageHDU( data=self.vis_img, header=self.ref_wcs.to_header(), name="vis_img", ) ) new_hdul = fits.HDUList(hdulist) new_hdul.writeto(file_name, overwrite=overwrite, output_verify=fits_verify) for key in self._table_names: if key in self.__dict__: logger.debug(f"Writing table '{key}'") if not key.startswith("ta_"): self.__dict__[key].write(file_name, append=True) # Write table with vector entries, # currently not supported by astropy.Table else: cols = list() for colname in self.__dict__[key].colnames: coldata = self.__dict__[key][colname].data coltype = str(self.__dict__[key][colname].dtype) # Setup column fits format see # # # TODO: Make this more general and read type from tables_dict col_for = "PD()" if ( colname == "flux" or colname == "flux_err" or colname == "ul" or colname == "pos_err" or colname == "time_bin_size" ): col_for = "PE()" if "int" in coltype: col_for = "K" elif "float" in coltype: col_for = "D" elif "|S" in coltype: col_for = coltype[2:] + "A" col = fits.Column( name=colname, format=col_for, array=coldata, ) cols.append(col) hdu_ta = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(cols) with, mode="append") as hdula: hdula.append(hdu_ta) # Rename extensions to table names ext_nr = len(hdulist) # First extensions reserved for images with, "update", output_verify=fits_verify) as ff: for key in self._table_names: if key in self.__dict__: ff[ext_nr].header["EXTNAME"] = key ff.flush(output_verify=fits_verify) ext_nr += 1 ff.close()
[docs] def load_from_fits(self, file_name): """ Loads collection from a fits file Parameters ---------- file_name : str, optional File name. Returns ------- None. """ logger.debug(f"Loading file with name '{file_name}'") with as ff: # Load tables # get available table names tt_names = [ hdu.header["EXTNAME"] for hdu in ff[1:] if hdu.header["EXTNAME"].startswith("tt_") ] # loop over tables for tt_name in tt_names: logger.debug(f"Loading table '{tt_name}'") # add to table manifest if tt_name in self._table_names: logger.warning(f"Table '{tt_name}' already exists, overwriting.") else: self._table_names.append(tt_name) setattr(self, tt_name,, hdu=tt_name)) # Load image data img_names = [ hdu.header["EXTNAME"] for hdu in ff[1:] if hdu.header["EXTNAME"].lower().endswith("_img") ] if hasattr(self, "ref_img"): for img_name in img_names: if img_name.lower() == "ref_img": setattr( self, img_name.lower(), ff[img_name].data.astype(np.float32) ) setattr(self, "ref_wcs", wcs.WCS(ff[img_name].header)) elif type(ff[img_name].data) is not type(None): setattr( self, img_name.lower(), ff[img_name].data.astype(np.float16) ) # Load tables with vectors ta_names = [ hdu.header["EXTNAME"] for hdu in ff[1:] if hdu.header["EXTNAME"].startswith("ta_") ] for ta_name in ta_names: logger.debug(f"Loading table '{ta_name}'") # add to table manifest if ta_name in self._table_names: logger.warning(f"Table '{ta_name}' already exists, overwriting.") else: self._table_names.append(ta_name) # Load table data into dictionary ta_data = {} col_names = ff[ta_name].columns.names for col_name in col_names: ta_data[col_name] = ff[ta_name].data[col_name] # TODO make loading more general. # Expect astropy handling of fits vector # to simplify this in the future if "rg_fd_id" in col_names: self.add_table(ta_data, "region:" + ta_name) else: self.add_table(ta_data, "base_field:" + ta_name)
[docs] def info(self): """ Print out information on tables in the collection. Returns ------- None. """ for key in self._table_names: if key in self.__dict__: print(f"\n {key}:") self.__dict__[key].info() print(self.__dict__[key].meta)
[docs] def __str__(self): """ Return string with information about the collection. Returns ------- str """ out_str = "" for key in self._table_names: if key in self.__dict__: out_str += "\n" + key + ":\n" + self.__dict__[key].__str__() + "\n" return out_str
[docs] def select_from_config(self, dd_selections): """ Apply multiple selections at once. Parameters ---------- dd_selections : dict Dictionary with selection table, variables and cut values Returns ------- None """ # Loop over selections any apply them for sel_name, sel_cfg in dd_selections.items():"Applying source selection '{sel_name}'") self.select_rows(sel_cfg, remove_unselected=False)
[docs] def select_rows(self, selections, remove_unselected=False): """ Apply selection to a passed table. Parameters ---------- selections : dict Dictionary with selection table, variables and cut values remove_unselected: bool Remove table rows with entry False in 'sel' table. Returns ------- None """ # Get table and check if selection column is available table_name = selections["table"]"Applying selection on table '{table_name}'") if table_name not in self.__dict__.keys(): logger.error("Table does not exist, it need to be created beforehand.") tt = self.__dict__[table_name] if "sel" not in tt.colnames: logger.error("Table does not have selection column") if len(tt) == 0: logger.warning("Cannot select, table is empty") return # Get selected events presel = tt["sel"].data.astype("bool") nr_rows = len(tt) if selections["sel_type"] == "and": sel = np.ones(len(tt), dtype=bool) # Apply min/max cuts if "range" in selections.keys(): for var, vals in selections["range"].items(): # Check if variable is stored in vector for all filters var_vals = tt[var] if len(np.array(var_vals[0]).flatten()) > 1: obs_filter_idx = self.tt_filters["obs_filter_idx"][ self.tt_filters["obs_filter"] == selections["obs_filter"] ][0] var_vals = var_vals[:, obs_filter_idx] sel = ( sel * np.array((var_vals >= vals[0]), dtype=bool).flatten() * np.array((var_vals <= vals[1]), dtype=bool).flatten() ) logger.debug( f"AND selecting '{var}' {vals}, " f"kept: {100*sel.sum()/nr_rows : .4f}%" ) # Apply bitmask cuts if "bitmask" in selections.keys(): for var, vals in selections["bitmask"].items(): # See bit = bitmask.bitfield_to_boolean_mask( tt[var], flip_bits=True, dtype=bool, good_mask_value=0, ignore_flags=vals, ) sel = sel * ~bit logger.debug( f"AND selecting bitmask '{var}' removing {vals}, " f"kept: {100*sel.sum()/nr_rows : .4f}%" ) elif selections["sel_type"] == "or": sel = np.zeros(len(tt), dtype=bool) if "range" in selections.keys(): for var, vals in selections["range"].items(): # Check if variable is stored in verctor for all filters var_vals = tt[var] if len(np.array(var_vals[0]).flatten()) > 1: obs_filter_idx = self.tt_filters["obs_filter_idx"][ self.tt_filters["obs_filter"] == selections["obs_filter"] ][0] var_vals = var_vals[:, obs_filter_idx] sel = sel + (var_vals >= vals[0]) * (var_vals <= vals[1]) logger.debug( f"OR selecting '{var}' {vals}, " f"kept: {100*sel.sum()/nr_rows : .4f}%" ) elif selections["sel_type"] == "is_in": tt_ref = self.__dict__[selections["ref_table"]] sel = np.in1d(tt[selections["var"]], tt_ref[selections["var"]]) else: logger.error("Unkown selection type.") # combine with preselection sel_tot = presel * sel if selections["presel_type"].casefold() == "or".casefold(): sel_tot = presel + sel f"Total table entries {nr_rows}, pre-selected rows {presel.sum()}, rows after new selection {sel_tot.sum()}" ) tt.replace_column("sel", sel_tot.astype("bool")) if remove_unselected: tt = tt[sel_tot] # Set minimum and maximum values if asked if "set_range" in selections.keys(): for var, vals in selections["set_range"].items():"Setting range for '{var}' to '{vals}'") tt[var][:] = (tt[var] >= vals[0]) * tt[var] + ( tt[var] < vals[0] ) * vals[ 0 ] # Set minimum tt[var][:] = (tt[var] <= vals[1]) * tt[var] + ( tt[var] > vals[1] ) * vals[ 1 ] # Set maximum self.__dict__[table_name] = tt
[docs] def get_light_curve(self, fd_src_ids=None, rg_src_ids=None, flux_var="flux"): """ Get a light curves for one or list of sources, for regions or fields. Parameters ---------- fd_src_ids : list or int List or single field source IDs to plot. Default is None. rg_src_ids : list or int List or single region source IDs to plot. Default is None. flux_var: str, optional Variable in table to be used to get flux Jy. Flux error assumed to be named flux_var+'_err' Returns ------- dict Dictionary {src_id : light_curve). Light curve as an astropy Table compatible with astropy BinnedTimeSeries. """ # logger.debug( # f"Getting light curve for fd_src_ids '{fd_src_ids}' and rg_src_ids # '{rg_src_ids}'" # ) # Setup input values depending on field or region src_ids = None ids_type = "none" if hasattr(rg_src_ids, "__iter__"): src_ids = list(rg_src_ids) ids_type = "rg_src_id" elif rg_src_ids is not None: src_ids = [rg_src_ids] ids_type = "rg_src_id" if hasattr(fd_src_ids, "__iter__"): src_ids = list(fd_src_ids) ids_type = "fd_src_id" elif fd_src_ids is not None: src_ids = [fd_src_ids] ids_type = "fd_src_id" # Dictionary to store light curve tables lc_dict = dict() # Add indices for later lookup self.tt_detections.add_index(ids_type) self.tt_visits.add_index("vis_id") self.tt_filters.add_index("obs_filter_id") # nr_flts = # flt_idxs = np.array(range(nr_flts), dtype=np.int32) # print(flt_idxs, nr_flts, tt_det_src["flux"]) # flt_names_idx = self.tt_filters.loc_indices["obs_filter_idx", flt_idxs] # flt_names = self.tt_filters["obs_filter"][flt_names_idx] # obs_filters = [flt_names for ii in range(len(tt_det_src["flux"]))] # Loop over sources and get lc info for src_id in src_ids: tt_det_src = self.tt_detections.loc[[src_id]] vis_idx = self.tt_visits.loc_indices["vis_id", tt_det_src["vis_id"]] if not hasattr(vis_idx, "__iter__"): logger.warning( f"Found only one light curve points, vis_idx: {vis_idx}, src_id: {src_id}" ) vis_idx = np.array([vis_idx]) tt_det_src = Table(tt_det_src) tt_det_src["time_bin_start"] = self.tt_visits[vis_idx]["time_bin_start"] tt_det_src["time_bin_size"] = self.tt_visits[vis_idx]["time_bin_size"] tt_det_src.sort("time_bin_start") # Get filter name flt_names_idx = self.tt_filters.loc_indices[ "obs_filter_id", tt_det_src["obs_filter_id"] ] flt_names = self.tt_filters["obs_filter"][flt_names_idx] time_bin_mean = ( tt_det_src["time_bin_start"].quantity + tt_det_src["time_bin_size"].quantity / 2.0 ) src_data = { "time": np.array(, "time_bin_size": np.array(tt_det_src["time_bin_size"]), "flux": np.array(tt_det_src[flux_var]), "flux_err": np.array(tt_det_src[flux_var + "_err"]), "obs_filter": flt_names, "obs_filter_id": tt_det_src["obs_filter_id"], "r_fov": tt_det_src["r_fov"], "artifacts": tt_det_src["artifacts"], "class_star": tt_det_src["class_star"], "chkobj_type": tt_det_src["chkobj_type"], "size_world": tt_det_src["size_world"], "ellip_world": tt_det_src["ellip_world"], "flux_auto": tt_det_src["flux_auto"], "flux_auto_err": tt_det_src["flux_auto_err"], "vis_id": tt_det_src["vis_id"], # "ul": np.array(src_lc["ul"]), } # Create and store table tt_lc = self.table_from_template(src_data, "base_field:tt_source_lc") tt_lc.meta[ids_type] = src_id lc_dict[src_id] = tt_lc return lc_dict
[docs] def cluster_meanshift(self, **ms_kw): """ Apply _MeanShift clustering algorithm using to derive sources. Runs only on selected detections or sources. .. _MeanShift: Parameters ---------- ms_kw : dict, optional Keywords passed to the scikit MeanShift function. Note that the bandwidth is assumed to be in units of arc seconds. Returns ------- int Number of detected clusters. """ # Select seed table, detections or sources table_name = ms_kw["table_name"] del ms_kw["table_name"] tt_in = self.__dict__[table_name]"Clustering with MeanShift with table: {table_name}") # Selection sel = tt_in["sel"] # Get detection coordinates and run clustering coords = table_to_array(tt_in[sel]["ra", "dec"]) # Do bandwidth determination "by hand" to print it out and convert # bandwidth unit from arc seconds into degerees dd_ms = ms_kw if "bandwidth" not in ms_kw or ms_kw["bandwidth"] is None: logger.debug("Estimating bandwidth") dd_ms["bandwidth"] = estimate_bandwidth(coords, quantile=0.2, n_samples=500) else: dd_ms["bandwidth"] = (ms_kw["bandwidth"] * uu.arcsec).to(uu.deg).value logger.debug(f"Clustering {sel.sum()} detections/sources") logger.debug(f"MeanShift with parameters (bandwith in degrees): '{dd_ms}' ") ms = MeanShift(**dd_ms) # Fill in data into source tables src_ids, clu_cts = np.unique(ms.labels_, return_counts=True) logger.debug(f"Done with clustering, found {len(src_ids)} clusters") cluster_centers = ms.cluster_centers_ nr_srcs = len(cluster_centers) # How to store clusters depends on table, check cases # Store clusters in tt_source table if table_name == "tt_sources": srcs_data = { "rg_src_id": src_ids, "ra": cluster_centers[:, 0], "dec": cluster_centers[:, 1], "nr_fd_srcs": clu_cts, "obs_filter_id": list(), } # Add rg_src_id to detections tt_in["rg_src_id"][sel] = ms.labels_ add_rg_src_id(tt_in[sel], self.tt_detections) # Add filter info # TODO: Write this vecotrized for speed increase tt_in.add_index("rg_src_id") for rg_src_id in src_ids: idxs = tt_in.loc_indices["rg_src_id", rg_src_id] filter_ids = np.unique(tt_in["obs_filter_id"][idxs].data) srcs_data["obs_filter_id"].append(filter_ids.sum()) # Remove existing table and add new one del self.__dict__["tt_sources"] self._table_names.remove("tt_sources") self.add_table(srcs_data, "region:tt_sources") # Add total number of detections det_src_ids, src_nr_det = np.unique( self.tt_detections["rg_src_id"].data, return_counts=True, ) self.tt_sources.add_index("rg_src_id") src_idx = self.tt_sources.loc_indices["rg_src_id", det_src_ids] self.tt_sources["nr_det"][src_idx] = src_nr_det # Log percentage of merged sources nr_merged = len(tt_in[sel]) - len(src_ids) perc_merged = np.round(100 * nr_merged / len(tt_in[sel]), 4) logger.debug(f"Merged sources: {nr_merged} ({perc_merged}%)") elif table_name == "tt_detections": # Assume all detections have the same filter_id # TODO: This might have to be extendet to the general case in the future. filter_id = self.tt_detections["obs_filter_id"][0] srcs_data = { "fd_src_id": src_ids, "ra": cluster_centers[:, 0], "dec": cluster_centers[:, 1], "nr_det": clu_cts, "obs_filter_id": np.zeros(nr_srcs) + filter_id, } # Fill information into tables. self.add_table(srcs_data, "base_field:tt_sources") # Update fd_src_id entries self.tt_detections["fd_src_id"][np.where(sel)] = ms.labels_ # Remove two detections in the same visit (keep the closer one) self.remove_double_visit_detections() elif table_name == "tt_coadd_detections": coadd_data = { "coadd_src_id": src_ids, "ra": cluster_centers[:, 0], "dec": cluster_centers[:, 1], "nr_det": clu_cts, "obs_filter_id": list(), } # Add source label to coadd detections self.tt_coadd_detections["coadd_src_id"][np.where(sel)] = ms.labels_ # Add filter id self.tt_coadd_detections.add_index("coadd_src_id") for coadd_src_id in src_ids: idxs = self.tt_coadd_detections.loc_indices[ "coadd_src_id", coadd_src_id ] filter_ids = np.unique( self.tt_coadd_detections["obs_filter_id"][idxs].data ) coadd_data["obs_filter_id"].append(filter_ids.sum()) # Fill information into tables. self.add_table(coadd_data, "region:tt_coadd_sources") else: logger.error("Unkown table name") # self.tt_sources.meta["CLUSTALG"] = "MeanShift" return nr_srcs
# Calculation is done on a field level for easy numpy paralleization, # as this calculation is computationally intensive.
[docs] def set_src_stats(self, src_id_name="fd_src_id"): """ Calculates source parameters from detections and stores them in the source table (tt_source). Parameters ---------- src_id_name : str, optional Name of the src_id to calculate statistics for. 'rg_src_id' indicates operations being performed on ``vasca.region`` objects whereas 'fd_src_id' would indicate ``vasca.field`` objects. Returns ------- None """ logger.debug("Calculating source statistics.") # Setup table names if src_id_name == "fd_src_id" or src_id_name == "rg_src_id": tt_det_name = "tt_detections" tt_src_name = "tt_sources" else: tt_det_name = "tt_coadd_detections" tt_src_name = "tt_coadd_sources" # Prepare detection data sel_det = self.__dict__[tt_det_name]["sel"] tt_det = Table(self.__dict__[tt_det_name][sel_det], copy=True) tt_det.sort([src_id_name, "obs_filter_id"]) # Get src_ids, src_index and det_nr src_ids, src_indices, src_nr_det = np.unique( tt_det[src_id_name].data, return_index=True, return_counts=True ) # Check which filter ids are present filter_ids = np.sort(np.unique(tt_det["obs_filter_id"].data)) nr_filters = len(filter_ids) # Include field index info to tt_fields if src_id_name == "rg_src_id": self.tt_filters.add_index("obs_filter_id") flt_idx = self.tt_filters.loc_indices["obs_filter_id", filter_ids] self.tt_filters["obs_filter_idx"][flt_idx] = np.array(range(0, nr_filters)) # Buffer input data for speed and convert position errors to degrees dd_det_var = {"pos_err_deg": tt_det["pos_err"].data.astype(np.float64) / 3600.0} ll_det_var = ["flux", "flux_err", "ra", "dec", "obs_filter_id"] for bvar in ll_det_var: dd_det_var[bvar] = tt_det[bvar].data ll_src_var = [ "ra", "dec", "pos_err", "pos_xv", "pos_var", "pos_cpval", "pos_rchiq", "flux", "flux_err", "flux_nxv", "flux_var", "flux_cpval", "flux_rchiq", "nr_det", "obs_filter_id", ] # Dictionary to store calculated source parameters dd_src_var = dict() for svar in ll_src_var: dd_src_var[svar] = list() # np.zeros(len(src_ids)) # Source loop for isrc, srcid in enumerate(src_ids): # Index range in prepared detection arrays for this source idx1 = src_indices[isrc] idx2 = idx1 + src_nr_det[isrc] # Position variables rr_ra = get_var_stat( dd_det_var["ra"][idx1:idx2], dd_det_var["pos_err_deg"][idx1:idx2], ) rr_dec = get_var_stat( dd_det_var["dec"][idx1:idx2], dd_det_var["pos_err_deg"][idx1:idx2], ) dd_src_var["ra"].append(rr_ra["wght_mean"]) dd_src_var["dec"].append(rr_dec["wght_mean"]) dd_src_var["pos_err"].append( ((rr_ra["wght_mean_err"] + rr_dec["wght_mean_err"]) * 3600 / 2.0) ) dd_src_var["pos_xv"].append( ( rr_ra["nxv"] * rr_ra["wght_mean"] ** 2 * 3600**2 + rr_dec["nxv"] * rr_dec["wght_mean"] ** 2 * 3600**2 ) / 2.0 ) dd_src_var["pos_var"].append( ((rr_ra["var"] + rr_dec["var"]) * (3600**2) / 2.0) ) dd_src_var["pos_cpval"].append(rr_ra["cpval"] * rr_dec["cpval"]) dd_src_var["pos_rchiq"].append((rr_ra["rchiq"] + rr_dec["rchiq"]) / 2.0) # --- Start with filter dependent variables from here ---- # Check at when index filter changed and analyse separatelly in chunks idxfs = np.where( np.diff(dd_det_var["obs_filter_id"][idx1:idx2], prepend=np.nan) )[0] idxfs = np.append(idxfs, idx2 - idx1) # Prepare default arrays for filter dependent variables flt_vars = [ "flux", "flux_err", "flux_nxv", "flux_var", "flux_cpval", "flux_rchiq", "nr_det", "obs_filter_id", ] for var in flt_vars: dd_src_var[var].append( np.zeros(nr_filters, dtype=dd_vasca_columns[var]["dtype"]) + dd_vasca_columns[var]["default"] ) # Loop over all filters for ii in range(len(idxfs) - 1): rr_flux = get_var_stat( dd_det_var["flux"][idx1 + idxfs[ii] : idx1 + idxfs[ii + 1]], dd_det_var["flux_err"][idx1 + idxfs[ii] : idx1 + idxfs[ii + 1]], ) filter_id = dd_det_var["obs_filter_id"][idx1 + idxfs[ii]] filter_nr = np.where(filter_ids == filter_id) dd_src_var["flux"][-1][filter_nr] = rr_flux["wght_mean"] dd_src_var["flux_err"][-1][filter_nr] = rr_flux["wght_mean_err"] dd_src_var["flux_nxv"][-1][filter_nr] = rr_flux["nxv"] dd_src_var["flux_var"][-1][filter_nr] = rr_flux["var"] dd_src_var["flux_cpval"][-1][filter_nr] = rr_flux["cpval"] dd_src_var["flux_rchiq"][-1][filter_nr] = rr_flux["rchiq"] dd_src_var["nr_det"][-1][filter_nr] = idxfs[ii + 1] - idxfs[ii] dd_src_var["obs_filter_id"][-1][filter_nr] = filter_id # Add calculated stats to table for svar in ll_src_var: self.add_column( table_name=tt_src_name, col_name=svar, col_data=dd_src_var[svar] )
[docs] def set_hardness_ratio(self, obs_filter_id1=1, obs_filter_id2=2): """ Calculated hardness ratio from detections flux(filter_2)/ flux(filter_1). Only simultaneous detections are considered Parameters ---------- obs_filter_id1 : int, optional Observation filter ID1. The default is 1. obs_filter_id2 : int, optional Observation filter ID2. The default is 1. The default is 2. Returns ------- None """ logger.debug("Calculating hardness ratio") # Get selected detection tables for each filter sel = self.tt_detections["sel"] tt_det = self.tt_detections[sel] tt_flt1 = tt_det[tt_det["obs_filter_id"] == obs_filter_id1] tt_flt2 = tt_det[tt_det["obs_filter_id"] == obs_filter_id2] # Check if one of the tables is empty if len(tt_flt1) == 0 or len(tt_flt2) == 0: logger.warning( "No sources with multiple filters to calculate hardness ratio" ) return # Get sub-table with common src_id and vis_id tt_join = join(tt_flt1, tt_flt2, keys=["rg_src_id", "vis_id"]) # Prepare source column to store information tt_grp = tt_join.group_by(["rg_src_id"]) self.add_column("tt_sources", "hr", col_data=None) self.add_column("tt_sources", "hr_err", col_data=None) self.tt_sources.add_index("rg_src_id") # Loop over all sources, calculate hr and store it. for row, tt in zip(tt_grp.groups.keys, tt_grp.groups): wght_1 = 1.0 / tt["flux_err_1"] ** 2 flux_1 = np.average(tt["flux_1"], weights=wght_1) flux_err_1 = np.sqrt(1.0 / np.sum(wght_1)) wght_2 = 1.0 / tt["flux_err_2"] ** 2 flux_2 = np.average(tt["flux_2"], weights=wght_2) flux_err_2 = np.sqrt(1.0 / np.sum(wght_2)) hr = flux_2 / flux_1 hr_err = hr * np.sqrt( (flux_err_1 / flux_1) ** 2 + (flux_err_2 / flux_2) ** 2 ) src_idx = self.tt_sources.loc_indices["rg_src_id", row["rg_src_id"]] self.tt_sources[src_idx]["hr"] = hr self.tt_sources[src_idx]["hr_err"] = hr_err # Add filter info to table self.tt_sources.meta["hr_flt1"] = obs_filter_id1 self.tt_sources.meta["hr_flt2"] = obs_filter_id2
[docs] def add_column(self, table_name, col_name, col_data=None): """ Adds column in a table, using the predefined VASCA columns. If column exists already replace it. Parameters ---------- table_name : str Name of the table. col_name: str Name of the column col_data dict or array Data to be inserted. If "None" use vasca.table_dict default value. Returns ------- None """ # Check if no data was given and fill with default if type(col_data) == type(None): table_size = len(self.__dict__[table_name]) col_data = np.array([dd_vasca_columns[col_name]["default"]] * table_size) # Check if masked column was passed if isinstance(col_data, MaskedColumn): col_data.fill_value = dd_vasca_columns[col_name]["default"] col_data = col_data.filled() # Get Column definition in VASCA col_template_copy = dd_vasca_columns[col_name].copy() del col_template_copy["default"] col = Column(col_data, **col_template_copy) if col_name in self.__dict__[table_name].colnames: # logger.debug(f"Replacing column {col_name}") self.__dict__[table_name].replace_column(col_name, col) else: self.__dict__[table_name][col_name] = col
[docs] def copy_table_columns( self, tab_name_to, tab_name_from, copy_vars, match_var="rg_src_id", select_matched=False, ): """ Copy a column from one table to the other, for those columns that have a matching variable value 'match_variable' Parameters ---------- tab_name_to str Table name of tabla to copy into tab_name_from str Table name of tabla to copy into copy_vars list Variable names of column to copy match_var Variable name to match rows in tables select_matched Adjust the "sel" column in 'tab_name_to' Returns ------- None """ logger.debug( f"Copying columns {copy_vars} from table {tab_name_from} to {tab_name_to} matching {match_var} " ) tt_to = self.__dict__[tab_name_to] tt_from = self.__dict__[tab_name_from] tt_join = join(tt_to, tt_from, keys=[match_var]) match_var_vals = tt_join[match_var] tt_to.add_index(match_var) src_idx_to = tt_to.loc_indices[match_var, match_var_vals] tt_from.add_index(match_var) src_idx_from = tt_from.loc_indices[match_var, match_var_vals] for var in copy_vars: self.add_column(tab_name_to, var) tt_to[var][src_idx_to] = tt_from[var][src_idx_from] # Select columns with matched values if select_matched: tt_to["sel"] = np.zeros(len(tt_to), dtype=bool) tt_to["sel"][src_idx_to] = True
[docs] def cross_match( self, dist_max=1.5 * uu.arcsec, dist_s2n_max=3, cat_table_name="tt_coadd_sources", cat_id_name="coadd_src_id", cat_name="coadd", src_table_name="tt_sources", ): """ Cross match sources to a catalog by position. Typically this is the coadd catalog. Parameters ---------- dist_max astropy.Quantity Maximum angular distance under which all associations are done, independent of dist_s2n. The default is "1 arcsec". dist_s2n_max float Maximum distance in units of position error. All sources below this cut are associated, independently of the dist_max selection. cat_table_name : str, optional Catalog table name. Has to contain "ra","dec" (in deg), "flux" (in microJy) and "cat_id_name" columns. Marks associated catalog sources in the "sel" column of the catalog table, if it exists. cat_id_name : str, optional Catalog ID Br. variable name. The default is "coadd_src_id". src_table_name : str, optional Table to cross match to catalog. The default is "tt_sources". Returns ------- None """"Cross matching table {src_table_name}") # get tables tt_cat = self.__dict__[cat_table_name] tt_srcs = self.__dict__[src_table_name] # Get source positions pos_srcs = SkyCoord( ra=tt_srcs["ra"], dec=tt_srcs["dec"], unit="deg", frame="icrs" ) pos_cat = SkyCoord(ra=tt_cat["ra"], dec=tt_cat["dec"], unit="deg", frame="icrs") idx_cat, dist_cat, _ = pos_srcs.match_to_catalog_sky(pos_cat) sel ="arcsec") <"arcsec") # If s2n cut passed, apply it too if type(dist_s2n_max) != type(None): # Check how compatible positions are within errors sigma_dist = np.sqrt( tt_srcs["pos_err"] ** 2 + tt_cat["pos_err"][idx_cat] ** 2 ) # Convert to 68% containment radius for 2D gaussian sel_dist_s2n = ("arcsec") /"arcsec") ) < dist_s2n_max sel = sel + sel_dist_s2n # Add catalog column to sources and rename if cat_name != "coadd": self.add_column(src_table_name, "cat_src_id") tt_srcs.rename_column("cat_src_id", cat_name + "_src_id") self.add_column(src_table_name, "cat_dist") tt_srcs.rename_column("cat_dist", cat_name + "_dist") # Add info in source table on associated coadd source id and distance tt_srcs[cat_name + "_src_id"][sel] = tt_cat[idx_cat[sel]][cat_id_name] tt_srcs[cat_name + "_dist"][sel] = dist_cat[sel].to("arcsec") # Add rg_src_id to catalog table np_rg_src_id = np.zeros(len(tt_cat), dtype=np.int32) - 1.0 np_rg_src_id[idx_cat[sel]] = tt_srcs["rg_src_id"][sel] self.add_column(cat_table_name, "rg_src_id", np_rg_src_id) # If coadd calculate comparison variables for each filter if cat_name == "coadd": # Create default arrays nr_filters = len(np.array(tt_srcs["flux"][0]).flatten()) na_zero = np.array([np.zeros(nr_filters) for flt in range(len(tt_srcs))]) coadd_ffactor = na_zero + dd_vasca_columns["coadd_ffactor"]["default"] coadd_fdiff_s2n = na_zero + dd_vasca_columns["coadd_fdiff_s2n"]["default"] # Check if only one filter flt_iter = [None] if nr_filters > 1: flt_iter = range(nr_filters) # Loop over all filters and calculate comparison variables for flt_idx in flt_iter: # Get variables flux = tt_srcs["flux"][sel, flt_idx] flux_cat = tt_cat["flux"][idx_cat[sel], flt_idx] flux_err = tt_srcs["flux_err"][sel, flt_idx] flux_err_cat = tt_cat["flux_err"][idx_cat[sel], flt_idx] # Calculate ratio of coadd to visit average flux and significance of difference ffactor = flux / flux_cat fdiff_s2n = (flux - flux_cat) / np.sqrt(flux_err**2 + flux_err_cat**2) # Remove invalid (negativ) ffactors due to default values of flux sel_inv = ffactor <= 0 ffactor[sel_inv] = dd_vasca_columns["coadd_ffactor"]["default"] fdiff_s2n[sel_inv] = dd_vasca_columns["coadd_fdiff_s2n"]["default"] if nr_filters > 1: coadd_ffactor[sel, flt_idx] = ffactor coadd_fdiff_s2n[sel, flt_idx] = fdiff_s2n else: coadd_ffactor = coadd_ffactor.flatten() coadd_fdiff_s2n = coadd_fdiff_s2n.flatten() coadd_ffactor[sel] = coadd_fdiff_s2n[sel] = # Store flux rations in source table self.add_column( src_table_name, col_name="coadd_ffactor", col_data=coadd_ffactor ) self.add_column( src_table_name, col_name="coadd_fdiff_s2n", col_data=coadd_fdiff_s2n )